Do you have a OnDemand interview scheduled? Follow our step-by-step guide to help you rock it!
1. Preparation
Make sure to dress appropriately. Although this is a video interview you need to treat it like an in-person interview. Make sure you are well manicured. To get started, you will need two things:
- Adobe Flash Player (click here to download the most recent version)
- A webcam (USB or built-in) When you plug in your camera, the drivers will automatically download and install. Specific webcam control software, while useful, is unnecessary for the interview. If you already have a program like this installed, please close the program before continuing on.
2. Log in to the Interview
You can sign into your interview in several ways:
- Click the Start Interview Setup button
- Download the HireVue App from iTunes to your iPad or iPhone
- Visit and enter your interview code
3. Setup
The Setup page gives you Fast Facts about the setup and interview process including a video tutorial. To begin, click Let’s Get Started. By clicking this button, you indicate you agree to the HireVue Terms and Conditions.
4. First Things First
To begin, connect your camera and microphone. When prompted, click Allow, Remember, and Close. Once you click close, HireVue will automatically check your system for connection speed and camera/microphone availability. Once the testing is complete, you will see On to the Practice Questions! Press the button to continue.
5. Practice
Practice, practice, practice! We can’t emphasize enough the importance of using the practice questions. Allow yourself to feel comfortable and familiar with the interface. Remember to look into the camera – not the screen.Looking at the screen may distract you. When you are ready, click Let’s Get Started. Just like your interview questions, the practice questions give you 30 seconds to review the question and prepare your response. If that is more time than you need, click Start Recording. Otherwise, the recording will begin as soon as the 30 seconds are over.
6. Settings
While you are practicing, adjust your settings. You will see Settings just above the question box. Click this link to open the Settings window during your practice question. You can adjust your speaker and microphone volume levels, or choose a completely different camera and microphone.
7. Preview
Once you have adjusted your settings and finished recording your practice response, click the play button to play back your recording. If you are not happy with your recording, click Do Another Practice Question. You can do several of these practices until you feel comfortable to continue. When you are ready to do your interview, click Continue to Interview.
8. The Interview
The interview is conducted in the exact same format as the practice questions, with 30 seconds to prepare for each question, and up to 3 minutes to answer. If your answer takes less time, simply click I’m Done. Stop Recording to stop the recording and save your answer. Continue this way until all the questions for your interview have been answered.
9. Finish
Once you have finished the final question, you will see a window that says, “All Done! Click You’re done! To exit the interview and submit your responses to your recruiter.” It’s that easy!!! We wish you the best of luck on your interview. Now go out there and nail it!