5 Steps to Take if You’re Unhappy in Your Job Right Now, According to a Career Coach for High Achievers

By Rachel Montañez | The Muse

You’re lucky enough to have a job during the COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented unemployment that’s come with it—great! But what if you also hate it? You may feel guilty about being unhappy when you know a hundred other people who would do anything to be in your shoes. You’re not alone.

Maybe the pandemic and the transition to WFH have shined a new light on your role or company and you’re seeing things that you don’t like. Or maybe you were already unhappy before the pandemic and now feel trapped. Perhaps you also feel disappointed in yourself for not acting when the labor market was “good,” and now you’re struggling to find the energy and motivation to get going.

Before you figure out the best solution and consider your next steps, you’ve got to pinpoint the root and cause of your unhappiness. Even if you ultimately choose to leave your job or company, figuring out a better way forward while you’re there is a must; this is especially true during a public health crisis and in a difficult job market. Not to mention, you may end up feeling unhappy again after a job change if you haven’t addressed the root issues.

Read the full article here.

By MIT Sloan CDO