12 New Job Hunt Strategies That’ll Re-Energize Your Search

By Stacey Lastoe | The Muse

Weary job seekers, take heart: You probably haven’t come close to exhausting your search. Sure you’ve been diligent about going to networking events, spending hours each day working on cover letters and resumes, and applying to open positions that you think would be a perfect fit for you, but there still might be options you’re overlooking.

While not every plan of attack that you’ll see below is going to be right for you, one or two (or even more!) might be. And even though you shouldn’t abandon the tools you’ve come to value and trust, if you’ve been in a rut for some time now, it doesn’t hurt to think outside the box. For example, Muse Coach Anna Runyan’s suggestion is explicitly for those people who are ready to take their networking up a notch and are sick of the same old events. In fact, that’s what a lot of these are about—they’re ways for you to mix up the game and get ahead of the competition.

Read the full article here.

By MIT Sloan CDO