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We are entering a busier season for jobs: the peak season for the just-in-time hiring market. Companies who slowed their hiring process in the winter must now speed up hiring or lose candidates.
Hiring is holding steady despite market uncertainty, and we are hearing from employers almost daily who are eager to fill their new opportunities. Especially in a challenging economic climate, companies need exceptional candidates who can lead transformation and drive growth, and MIT Sloan candidates are prepared to do so.
Unlike the fall season, dominated by volume hiring for generalist roles, the spring market is filled with more specialized opportunities, perfect for someone seeking a more specific or more unique role. This spring, hiring companies will include:
All types of companies who need to make a hire within the next few months
Large companies hiring for individual roles
Smaller-to-mid-sized companies hiring for a few roles
Startups and VC/PE portfolio companies making summer intern hires
The CDO’s business development team is talking with companies daily, and we are adding new jobs every week.
CAREER CENTRAL is your key resource for these jobs; check often or set up your communication preferences so you see new jobs. TOP TIPS: 1) Set up *Search Agents* in Career Central so relevant postings are emailed to you and 2) Apply quickly! Some of these jobs are being filled very fast.
HANDSHAKE (MIT CAPD) – See opportunities posted for all MIT students (bachelor’s, master’s and PhD candidates) by MIT Career Advising and Professional Development Office).
MBA EXCHANGE ‘PREMIUM ACCESS’ JOB BOARD – Premium access to postings for business school students and alumni, with global coverage. Begin your search by selecting a country/state; you can finetune results by selecting job function, keywords, or internship.
ORBIT – One-stop-shop for MIT entrepreneurs, with information on startups, founders, investors, jobs, guides, deals, the MIT entrepreneurship opportunity. In the spring, MIT-affiliated startups post both paid and unpaid startup opportunities on the Orbit job board.
The Engine – Built by MIT, with jobs at the company and their portfolio companies
We Work Remotely – Categories: Business & Management, Sales & Marketing, Finance
Jobspresso – Browse: Marketing and Product Management, Sales & Business Development, Project Management
National Black MBA Association Job Board – We recommend using keyword search ‘intern’ or ‘internships’ for the most results, or if you do an Advanced Search, select Level – Internship (note: using too many filters in Advanced Search will reduce results).
Don’t forget LinkedIn to review leads from your network.
WHO’S HIRING RIGHT NOW? Outside the MIT Sloan ecosystem, we’d like to highlight a few resources you might find useful if you are tracking who’s hiring. – WHO THE FRIGGIN’ FRIG IS HIRING RN!? Tech-community-sourced list of who’s hiring in Tech right now, organized by Ross Pomerantz and Adam Schoenfeld
This year’s layoffs come on the heels of some of the highest hiring levels we’ve seen; reflecting adjustments to changes in consumer demand and a return to more normal business operations.
As Professor Lo and Professor Rigobon shared in their session earlier this year, the fundamentals of the economy are strong. While layoffs have an impact and may signal slower hiring at particular companies, there are still many opportunities. It’s good to be aware of companies and business units that are laying off.
For those tracking layoffs as they manage their job search this spring, you may find this resource helpful:
This spring you’ll see a number of activities to support your job search, so we hope you’ll sign up and attend career events, job fairs, and networking events at MIT Sloan and across MIT. Be sure to take advantage of this particularly busy season of activities!
We are seeing a trend that suggests candidates who have received offers are accepting them earlier. Be sure to connect with your career advisors to discuss your job offers. Also, keep your Employment Survey up-to-date and stay in touch – it helps us respond to the real-time needs of your class as the semester progresses.