How can I follow up with MFin Networking Night contacts?
To continue your networking efforts, contact information for company representatives who participated in MFin Networking Night is available in Career Central. Follow this path to find this information:
Companies > Contact File > Contact Type field > select Networking Nights – MFin Networking Night 2024 > hit Search.
To discover more about the purpose of networking, how to follow up, and tools available to support you:
- Review slides from the MFin Networking Night Prep Session, get a reminder of how networking events are different than career fairs and what steps you should take after the event
- Check out the Networking Steps document and see the specific MFin Networking Night Thank You Email example on slide 7.
- Download the Networking Tracking Spreadsheet you can use today to capture your networking activity, and see another example of Thank You Email on the MFin Networking Resources page
If you need help before you take the next step in your follow up, please contact your career advisor. Don’t wait to start connecting. A quality, prompt follow up is key, and we are happy to help.
Receive Targeted Recruiting Information by Completing Your Career Central Profile:
It is very important to update your profile in Career Central so you do not miss job openings shared by our team that may be of interest to you. We are mindful of the emails that we send you and rely upon the data that you provide in your Career Central profile to filter the flow of information appropriately. If you would like to receive the targeted time-sensitive job postings in the future, please make sure to update the following items on Your Career Central Profile:
- Preferred Industry
- Preferred Function
- Preferred Geography
Check out the how-to video here!