How can I boost my performance in behavioral interviews?
You are unique , and your holistic profile likely makes you a very strong match for a role. However, the employer won’t know this unless you show them through the stories in your professional narrative, which include strategic and powerful answers to behavioral interview questions. Here are 3 things about your professional & academic journey (your story!) so far that are hard for an employer to glean from your resume alone, but you need them to know:
- Intentionality: What exactly helped you decide to pursue the path you are currently pursuing (a class, project, professional experience?)
- Genuine Interest: Why is this type of work genuinely interesting to you? Know why you prefer this type of work and be ready to give specific examples from your past. This shows your ability to self-reflect and understand your genuine interests (which reassures the employer that you’re more likely to stay and be engaged in the work/team/firm).
- Holistic Profile: Your unique combination of SKILLS (quantitative, business, teamwork) + BACKGROUND (relevant industry, academic, or extracurricular experience) + GENUINE INTEREST in the work (authentic passion matters) + how you NATURALLY OPERATE (innate talents that benefit the employer)
What do we mean by “naturally operate?” This is how you innately function, work, and think. In other words, your talents. To put words these talents into words, the CDO provides each student with the opportunity to take the CliftonStrengths assessment. If you are thinking about how to showcase your natural talents to stand out during the interviews, join us for a workshop Ace the Interview: Highlight Your Strengths! You’ll learn how to identify and leverage your unique strengths, turning them into memorable talking points that show employers you’re a great fit for the role.
Additional interview prep resources on Your CDO.