When a company extends an offer, there will be several elements for you to evaluate based on their competitiveness and what you personally value most. The cash usually gets our attention first (base salaries and incentive compensation, such as performance …
By Lily Zhang | The Muse
Internships are an amazing way to get some relevant experience on your resume while in school, even if you don’t see yourself at that particular company post-graduation. That said, they’re increasingly being used as a funnel …
We recognize that there are instances when you need additional time to decide on whether to accept an offer. Below is some sample wording for asking for an extension of an offer acceptance deadline. We recommend expressing your gratitude for …
By Chauncey Alcorn | CNN Business | February 20, 2021
Kamala Harris isn’t the only Black woman making history in 2021.
The January 20 swearing-in of the nation’s first woman, Black and southeast Asian vice president came at a pivotal moment for …
By Kat Boogaard | The Muse
You just wrapped up a job interview for a role you’re excited about. You think it went well. But wait, did it?
Now that you’ve had some time to take a breath and reflect on …
Catherine Nevins came to MIT Sloan to make a career pivot. She was unsure about what career path she wanted to take, but networking and her involvement in the Sloan community helped her navigate the way. Catherine also discusses how …
2020 was a year unlike any other, but it challenged us to live, work, and learn differently. Explore our 2020 journey here:
Ideas for your work from
MIT Sloan School of Management | Office of Communications
February 7 – February 13, 2021
1. Companies invested roughly $50 billion in artificial intelligence last year, and that figure …
By Anne Warner
As many Sloanies can probably relate to, it feels like summer internship recruiting starts the minute we arrive on campus as first-years. I remember having dinner with my core team during the second week of school and …
By Andrew Seaman | LinkedIn News | February 8, 2021
A diverse workplace is better for everyone — regardless of your race, gender and identity.
A manager at a previous employer of mine put a special focus on diversifying our overwhelmingly white workforce. …