By Jeg Sith, MBA ’20 | Break Into PM | July 30, 2020
6 seconds.
That’s how long the average recruiter or hiring manager will spend on your resume.
6 seconds.
That’s what stands between you and your shot at getting that …
By Jeg Sith, MBA ’20 | Break Into PM | July 30, 2020
6 seconds.
That’s how long the average recruiter or hiring manager will spend on your resume.
6 seconds.
That’s what stands between you and your shot at getting that …
Ellen Rice Chever, MBA 16, discusses how to navigate your career while at MIT Sloan, including leveraging the CDO. She shares how to discover your differentiating factor and unlock opportunity in three simple steps. Watch Ellen’s video below.
Franco Zambra (MBA ’22) shares how he chose a high-impact internship path by creating StopCMV, an organization that educates about congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV), a common virus that can impact newborns causing life-long health problems, including hearing loss, vision loss, developmental …
By Zach Church | MIT Sloan Ideas Made to Matter | June 8, 2021
It won’t be easy. Despite good feelings and good press about clean energy projects, there is still a substantial gap, the “valley of death,” between idea and commercialization. …
Kosta Ligris, EMBA ‘18, is an MIT Sloan Industry Advisor
By Anissa Gardizy | Boston Globe
A Boston tech startup focused on remote home closings has raised $40 million.
Stavvy is building software that brings together banks, lenders, borrowers, buyers, and …
Alumni Sam Épée-Bounya (MBA ’03) shares how values, authenticity and resilience were keys to a successful career and a life with impact.
Sam Épée-Bounya, MBA ‘03
Managing Director, Wellington Management
Emerging Markets Debt Team (Focus: Latin America and Africa).
What’s …
Kristin Riley, EMBA 2020 was our featured speaker for the EMBAs Helping EMBAs: Career Conversations virtual career networking event on May 6. She discussed the importance of curiosity, values alignment, and the power of connection for her career transition.
By Katie Burke, MBA 2009 | HubSpot
My second job out of college was with an incredible startup political agency called the Glover Park Group. It’s now a much larger and more successful agency, but at the time it was just a …
By Katie Burke, MBA 2009 | HubSpot
I don’t know about you, but I rarely feel like I’m 22. I do, however, work with a lot of 22-year-olds who are smart, interesting, dynamic, and absurdly high-energy.
While it depresses me they don’t understand my …
By Cassie Zhang, MBA ’21, Spring Core Fellow
Congratulations on securing your internship! As you look towards the summer, here are a couple of tips to help you maximize your experience, especially in a virtual environment.
Brush …