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Welcome MIT Sloan Alumni

The Career Development Office provides lifelong career development support for alumni from all MIT Sloan graduate programs. Whether you are thinking about next steps, actively looking for a new role, or taking time to enhance your LinkedIn profile or resume, we have the resources to help you achieve your professional goals.


How To Build A Strong Relationship With A New Boss

By Caroline Castrillon Senior Contributor

Caroline Castrillon covers career, entrepreneurship and women at work.

Imagine this scenario. You join a new company and are thrilled with your manager. Then, three months later, just when you develop a solid relationship, you …

By MIT Sloan CDO
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Innovating Oncology Treatment: The Role of ADCs and Strategic Partnerships in Shaping the Future of Cancer Care – An MIT Sloan Career Development Office Conversation with Ken Keller, Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO of Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.

In oncology, breakthroughs in treatment are revolutionizing care for cancer patients worldwide. Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) represent a significant advancement, offering targeted therapies that precisely deliver potent drugs to cancer cells, minimizing damage to healthy tissue. To delve into the potential …

By MIT Sloan CDO
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How Large Firms Can Get Innovation Right

November 06, 2024

Think of a large company you admire. What kind of leadership culture do they have — and how does that affect their ability to innovate?

If you went right to command-and-control leadership, you’re not alone. It’s a common …

By MIT Sloan CDO
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