MFin Career Question of the Week: Can I do a winter or spring internship? What if it’s unpaid and/or remote?

Can I do a winter or spring internship? What if it’s unpaid and/or remote? If you are an international student, no. Per MIT’s International Student Office (ISO), F-1 and J-1 students can only begin off-campus work (whether it is paid …

MFin Career Question of the Week: How do I prepare for a Superday?

How do I prepare for a Superday? Reaching the Superday stage is a great achievement, indicating that you are well-qualified for the job in terms of skills and knowledge. Now, the focus is on assessing how well you fit with …

MFin Career Question of the Week: What should I do when I’m not getting invited to interviews? 

What should I do when I’m not getting invited to interviews?  1. Book a meeting with a career advisor to strategize about your recruiting approach.  2. Reflect on your targets; are they too narrow or too broad? 3. Optimize application …

MFin Career Question of the Week: Besides a referral, what other ways can a connection help me in my recruiting process?

MFin Career Question of the Week: Could misrepresenting the Action Learning Project on my resume affect future job opportunities or visa eligibility in the U.S.?

Could misrepresenting the Action Learning Project on my resume affect future job opportunities or visa eligibility in the U.S.? Both Proseminar and Finance Lab projects are academic. For legal reasons, you may not incorrectly represent them as employers. If you …

MFin Career Question of the Week: I am getting an offer with a short decision deadline. What should I do?

I am getting an offer with a short decision deadline. What should I do? For those of you who are actively recruiting and in the final rounds of interviews, you may run into situations where you have to make decisions …

MFin Career Question of the Week: How can I boost my performance in behavioral interviews? 

How can I boost my performance in behavioral interviews?  You are unique  , and your holistic profile likely makes you a very strong match for a role. However, the employer won’t know this unless you show them through the stories …

MFin Career Question of the Week: How do I make the most of networking?

How do I make the most of networking? Common questions we have heard recently: If you are feeling stuck in recruiting, networking can help give you the breakthrough you need. Follow these tips to network efficiently and effectively and make …

MFin Career Question of the Week: How should I update my resume during the fall term?

How should I update my resume during the fall term? Resume writing is not a once-and-done process. When you gain new experiences, it’s important to add them to your resume. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Add …

MFin Career Question of the Week: How can I follow up with MFin Networking Night contacts?

How can I follow up with MFin Networking Night contacts? To continue your networking efforts, contact information for company representatives who participated in MFin Networking Night is available in Career Central. Follow this path to find this information: Companies > …