Bringing sustainability to the 2020 fall career fair

By MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative Rapid Response Group | The Tech | September 24, 2020

You have the ability to ensure that your values align with a company’s sustainability practices this fall career fair. In a collaboration headed by the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI), the new Career Fair Sustainability Initiative is sharing information with students about registered companies’ greenhouse gas emissions and their environmental commitments. By emphasizing the importance of climate-oriented corporate responsibility, ESI hopes employers’ sustainability commitments will appeal to more students, whether they’re passionate about climate change or not.

We urge students to use the website created by the initiative to understand their potential employer’s environmental impact before they attend a virtual fair. It will also be linked to the right hand side of each virtual booth on Brazen, the career fair platform, during the fair. Going forward, researching and inquiring about this kind of information should be common practice when deciding what company you want to work at or invest in!

Read the full article here.

By MIT Sloan CDO