What’s To Come In 2021 For Diversity, Equity And Inclusion In The Workplace

By Ashley Stahl | Forbes | April 14, 2021

As a career coach, I would be making a bit of an understatement if I said that I think often about the world of work. The future of work is a subject that fascinates me, and I spend much of my time thinking, learning and talking about it.

Whether it be discussing carefully with a client which growth industries best suit their talents, or researching for this column in order to bring the most up-to-date ideas on the ever changing landscape of work to my readers, the future of work is always front of mind. So much so, in fact, that I sometimes take for granted all of the recent changes that have impacted the world of work, workplace and industry cultures.

It goes without saying that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought tremendous change and upheaval to all of our work lives. But another major change of the last year has been the increasing push to prioritize Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

DEI is certainly not a new concept in the business world. For many, the protests of summer 2020 shined a bright light on many of the racial and gendered inequities in our society, and highlighted the need to carefully consider how diversity, equity and inclusion are navigated in the world of work.

In response to this deeply charged and meaningful moment in our history, many companies and industry leaders felt pressure to make public their commitment to rectifying institutional bias within their own homes. Many issued statements and launched initiatives to combat discrimination and cultural bias.

Read the full article here.

By MIT Sloan CDO