I didn’t get a return offer/I decided not to take my return offer after my internship and now I am starting the full-time job search from scratch. What do I do now?
Regardless of the particular circumstances, you may find yourself at the start of a full-time job search as we start the spring semester. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you find yourself in this situation:
- Stay calm and maintain perspective. Though this may not be where you expected to be in your search as we head into the spring semester, there is still time to pivot. Many students find and accept FT offers during the spring semester.
- Clarify and reevaluate. Reflect on your internship experience, what you learned, and what your goals are for your full-time role. If you haven’t done so already, write down your current Plan A, B, and C targets (where each includes function, industry, and location). Think about what questions you have left to answer to determine Fit (whether a Plan aligns with your goals, strengths, and values) and Feasibility (whether people in the industry view you as a competitive candidate). This clarity will streamline your job search and make your efforts more effective.
- Be flexible/entrepreneurial. In this market, flexibility and an entrepreneurial approach to the job search are key. Be open to new possibilities, expand your company target list beyond the top 10 in your target industry, and be creative as you think about opportunities.
- Create a support system. Sign up for a 1:1 appointment with a Career Advisor, join a Job Search Accountability Group, reach out to your peers/friends/family for support, etc. Create a support system that will help you achieve success. And remember, the CDO is here to help!