MFin Career Question of the Week: I’m not seeing much success in my LinkedIn outreach attempts. How do I increase the response rate?

I’m not seeing much success in my LinkedIn outreach attempts. How do I increase the response rate?

It’s all about the approach. Almost every alum or industry professional we talk to says that they are more likely to answer a request when it is clear and specific. And, it’s important to add, the request should also focus on the recipient and their experience, not on you and your career goals.

Each message you send should be personalized and contain:

  • A very brief introduction, who you are and what you do (i.e. current MFin student, experience in _____ , interested in exploring careers in ________.)
  • How you found this person and what interests you specifically about their experience or profile (e.g. you heard them speak or met at a recent event, or that they transitioned from X to Y industries after MFin which is something you are interested in pursuing.)
  • A clear ask as a next step (e.g. if you have the time, I’d love to chat and learn more “about your experience navigating XYZ” or “about how you engage with ABC team at your firm.” Then the ask: “Do you have 15-20 minutes in the next couple of weeks for a brief call? I know you are busy and greatly appreciate your time.”)

Don’t forget to refer back to the materials on Networking Resources and to reach out to alumni using the Post-Grad & Internship Directories.

If you don’t see any movement on your response rate from these efforts, or if you have any questions at all, please reach out to your career advisor for support. We can help proofread messages, discuss strategy, or brainstorm ideas. Come chat with us!

By MIT Sloan CDO