MFin Career Question of the Week: I am getting an offer with a short decision deadline. What should I do?

I am getting an offer with a short decision deadline. What should I do?

For those of you who are actively recruiting and in final rounds of interviews, you may run into situations where you have to make decisions within a short time frame. Please remember you can get offer and negotiation support from CDO.

Here are the steps to take when you receive an offer:

1. Remain calm and show gratitude
Getting an offer is an exciting moment. All your handwork has paid off. Don’t get overwhelmed and forget to say thank you. Resist confirming on the spot if the offer is verbal, even if it is your dream employer. If you receive an email, acknowledge you receive the offer and ask for clarification on the deadline to respond.

2. Negotiate for more time to respond
It’s typical for employers to offer a few days to two weeks before you confirm the offer, but it doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate for more. You will find resources on YourCDO regarding negotiation on offer timeline, including MIT Sloan Recruiting Policy and this blog post.

3. Strategize with your cohort advisor
Every offer situation is unique. It’s important to get your advisor’s take on it and co-develop a strategy for your particular case. Some students may be given only 24-48 hours to decide on an offer. Some students may have to juggle multiple final interviews and conflicting timelines. Your advisor and the CDO team can help you navigate the nuanced and complex situation, and provide appropriate guidance and resources.

To avoid stressful situations when it comes to offer decision-making, you can prepare yourself in advance by watching the Understanding & Negotiating Offers webinar, and proactively update your recruiting activity with your cohort advisor.

By MIT Sloan CDO