MBA Career Advising and Support

At MIT Sloan, we have three groups of career advising support who are here to help you pursue your career goals. From exploring your options to getting insider industry advice to hearing from another student who’s been there, there are many people who can help you at all stages. People are often a huge part of Sloanies achieving their goals, so we encourage you to explore the groups below, bookmark their pages, and reach out anytime!

MBA Career Advisors

Our team of MBA Advisors come from a variety of professional and personal experiences and love working with students to carve out their unique paths. You are welcome to meet with any Advisor, and you can work with one person regularly or see a variety of Advisors for different perspectives. Click through to learn about each Advisor and their areas of expertise.

MIT Sloan Industry Advisors

MIT Sloan Industry Advisors are alumni experts across 17+ industries who are available to speak with you to help you to navigate the next step of your career journey. Explore their bios below and schedule an appointment to connect with an alumni in your industry of interest.

MBA Career Peers

Working in collaboration with the Career Development Office, MBA Career Peers are highly committed second-year MBA students who build career community at Sloan and serve as resources for first year Sloanies navigating the diverse set of MBA career paths and internship opportunities. The selected students will offer peer career mentorship during the Fall Term linking career education and the internship search to help create an environment where students can feel supported in pursuing their career aspirations and connecting with the dynamic MIT Sloan community.